10 Top Reasons to choose BMS Direct as your Presort Mail Provider
It is a proven cost-effective business tool. Discount mail is your best option if you mail in volume. Whether your direct mail campaign is mailed First Class, Standard Bulk Mail or Periodicals BMS will provide you the most proficient and cost effective service available.
Presorting actually speeds up the delivery because it is zipcode ready! Using the same high-speed sorting machines and recognition systems, our presorters can automatically read addresses, spray barcodes (if necessary), and sort mail to the finest destination zip.
- Professional and courteous drivers
- Predictable service levels
- We maintain the “Best” equipment available
- Friendly customer service staff at your fingertips
- Management that cares about clients
- Better read rates means lower reject rates
- Competitive pricing
- Multiple facilities
- 35 years of experience
- Why settle for less, we are the “Best”