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What is Accounts Payable?
To stay in business, your company must pay its bills. Failure to do so or to not do it in a timely manner will make your creditors extremely unhappy and seriously jeopardize the business relationship you have with them as well as negatively affect your company’s overall credit rating. This is where the Accounts Payable […]

Accounts Payable Invoice Approval Process
When an accounting department processes payments, it may seem like a relatively simple process that does not involve a lot of red tape. However, there are some areas that can arise that warrants the need for an invoice approval processing system to be put in place. Putting an invoice approval system in place and maintaining […]

How To Improve Your Accounts Payable System
You can’t run a business without spending because it comes with the package. You’ll need to buy stuff to fully operate your business. The majority of suppliers provide invoices whenever you purchase from them. Unfortunately, this can get chaotic along the way especially during busy days. How do you stay on top of things? If […]

Our Round Up of Postal facts – Part I
HERE ARE THE TOP TWELVE THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE #12 Social responsibility. From facilitating the nation’s largest one-day food drive to addressing dog bites, educating customers on consumer protection and delivering holiday cheer to those in need, the Postal Service supports communities. # 11 Veterans. The Postal Service employs more […]

10 Facts You Should Know About Direct Mail
Direct mail is still one of the most effective, if not the most effective, way to reach customers for the cost. Here are ten facts about direct mail that show how it can bring your company a solid return on its investment. Direct Mail Response Rates. With email inboxes becoming more and more occupied by […]

Promotional Products Build Brand Memory and More.
The Importance of Promotional Products in Branding. Branding is not a new concept; it has been around for as long as businesses have been advertising, but in today’s world, it is more important than ever. With a universe of competitors online, it is vital that a company’s logo is instantly recognizable and invokes a positive […]

The Benefits of Using a Statement Processing Company
Congratulations, your business has had rapid growth in the last year, and you now have more customers than ever before. The downside of your success is making sure all those customers pay on time, that is if you can get the billing done on time. What is the solution to this welcome, but complicated issue? […]

The Reality of Greenwashing and Going Paperless.
Greenwashing the Facts Going paperless to save the environment, who could be against that? That is basically what major financial institutions, big box stores, power companies, Insurance companies and others claim to show how environmentally aware they are. The truth is something completely different. E-Waste is the actual outcome of going paperless. The hardware needed […]

Better Data Management Means Business Success
Data management has become a vital part of any business in the digital age. Dealing with terabytes of sensitive customer information has exposed more than one company who did not take proper steps to ensure that their data was secure from malicious operators. Data that is transmitted from client to business without secure file transfer […]

Five Reasons Your Company Should Outsource Invoicing.
If you are dealing with a large customer base, you know the difficulty in getting invoicing out every month then outsourcing your invoicing makes sense. You may still be leery of using an invoicing service from past experience. In the digital age, there is no reason to fear invoicing services, in fact, larger companies should […]

5 Reasons Your Company Should Use Direct Mail
Direct mail has proven the test of time and still has proven itself to be one of the most effective tools that any company can have at their marketing department’s disposal. In the digital age direct mail, especially business to business direct mail, is a proven way to get past some of the digital gatekeepers […]

The Importance of a Secure Data Services Company
Is your company doing everything it can to protect your customer’s data? If not, you should consider outsourcing your data processing to secure data services company. Data security is crucial if you want to safeguard your customers’ privacy and your company’s reputation for security. The names are well known and belong to companies that should […]

10 Steps
Optimizing Invoice Processing
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